Sunday 30 November 2008

so, exactly where is Falmer Stadium going to be?

its the first field on the right as you go in to Brighton University Falmer Campus along village way

Brighton University is the one on the right of the A27 as you go from Brighton towards Lewes
you're easily going to be the stadium from the A27 as well as from the train that runs Brighton to Lewes (that's the same one that goes over that huge viaduct around the London road/Preston Park area on the main road into Brighton)

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On this pic the A27 is the road where it says Falmer Hill
and the stadium is going to be in the top left of the main field where theres a kind of white patch

and here's a vid that gives you a little tour of the area:

Saturday 22 November 2008

crowd control at falmer stadium

i saw these being droppped off the back of a flatbed truck earlier on in the week
thought its a bit early for crowd control measures
in the end they sectioned off a small area
dug a REALLY deep hole in the valley bit where there used to be a river
and are basically doing soil analysis and minerology tests

Thursday 13 November 2008

what have they found.... in the ground?

this is the view of across the whole of the site - if Falmer Stadium was finished i would be stood on the pitch or probably more precicely somewhere in the away stands

looking across the field you can see activity up in the top corner
its almost exactly where the carpark is meant to be
this is a picture of it zoomed in
you know im gonna have to take it all back when i said all that stuff about archaeology using industrial machinery
cos, would you believe it, when i met up with one of the archaeology team - there he was actually holding a trowel!
and this one is holding a gps theodolite - shes marking out that dark brown circle - taking about 8 readings round the edge of the circle
theyre interested cos it shows where a post has been put in the ground probably by mesolithic hunter gatherers about 9-10,000 years ago - the dark brown bit is where the wood has turned to, er, brown dirt (tell me if i get too technical for you)
they also showed me loads of knapped flint - i thought all the bits were arrowheads but they said theyre just offcuts really from when they were making arrows or axes and to find those proper bits is pretty rare cos they were a careful lot those mesolithic folk

- so now the archaeo's have diggered trenches down to mesolithic depth and not really found anything all over the site (except loadsa knapped flint)

before you footie fans start having a hernia, its not gonna delay the building in anyway - this isn't the mesolithic taj mahal - but it seems like a big find

- and here it is, a possible mesolithic roundhouse!

ok, it might just look like a bunch of dirt, but thats because, well it is

ive taken a little vid and that might make more sense of it - but what youre looking at is where the darker patch of dirt is - is the foundations of a probably mesolithic building (at a guess its about 10 metres across)

it could be a roundhouse - but it doesnt go all the way round
so it might be an animal enclosure - except the mesolithic were hunter/gatherers so didnt keep livestock

basically theyve just found it and theyre throwing guesses around - they said they ll dig down more and do a few cross sections and try to build up an idea of what it was made out of and looked like

- and then when theyve got the gps of all the outlying posts theyll look to see if it can be made into a shape and era that makes sense

Saturday 8 November 2008

How to start building a stadium... Falmer style!

The very first sign of any stadium being built here in Falmer was 3 guys and a spade - early one morning

very first crew - 3 guys start to build a stadium

it was the 7th october and turned out to be the road widening crew just measuring out and putting in posts - it seems this junction is gonna have to be widened for the site lorries

that week it was all go, as a few days later there was a different crew - all highvis jacketed up too - but this lot had ARCHAEOLOGY on the back

they put posts in and they messed about with theodolites - i asked one bloke what they expected to find and he said

" oh some stone age tools, flint arrowheads, that type of thing"

"a neolithic settlement?" i asked

"i shouldn't think so"

they were around for 3-4 days and then it all went quiet again for a coupla weeks


well i thought that was it all done for the archaeology, a fine and subtly science, but now the crew has returned in force with some serious heavy plant machinery

don't believe a word if somebody tells you this archaeology game is all about painstaking hours of carefully rubbing a piece of rock with a toothbrush, slowly uncovering delicate artifacts
nope, it seems you just charge in there with two industrial diggers and a dumper truck
so theyve spent the week landscaping the area to look like a dirt-bike racetrack - i'm hoping theyre lovingly recreating a scene out of Junior Kick-Start from days gone by

next week ill definitely try to interview an archaeologist - praps we'll get to see some of their finds or maybe i'll just ask to have a go on the all terrain quadbiking!!!